American Forest Foundation

Our Nation’s Forests Are Under Threat

The Health and Resilience of Our Forests Depend on You.

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With a recurring monthly contribution, AFF can use our resources more effectively to strengthen family-owned forests.

Your Donation Helps America’s Family-Owned Forests

Over one-third of US forests are owned by families. Hardworking humans who love and cherish the land as much as all of us. These families lack the resources to properly maintain this valuable land and it affects all of us — the quality of our air, the purity of our water, the habitat our wildlife depend on.


Reducing Wildfire Risk to Protect Lives, Property and Watersheds

Intense wildfires, worsened by factors such as climate change, pests, drought, and overgrowth, threaten forests, wildlife, and homes. Restoring family-owned forests and protecting them from future damage is a costly endeavor, often costing $1,000 per acre from site prep to post-fire tree planting.

AFF works with family forest landowners to mitigate risk to forest health as a result of catastrophic wildfire. Additionally, with support from the Arbor Day Foundation, AFF is currently reforesting 8,000 acres impacted by wildfire. This will lead to significant carbon emissions reductions, with approximately 600,000 metric tons of carbon equivalent sequestered. Your monthly contribution of $10 recurring over the course of a year supports post-fire land recovery and site prep for the planting of 30 trees in family-owned forests.

CLICK HERE for more information to learn more our work with family forest owners in the West.


Maximizing the Carbon Potential of America’s Family Forests

One of the most powerful solutions to address climate change is to harness the power of forests. Forests both sequester and store carbon, thereby slowing down climate change. In the U.S., the greatest opportunity to use our forests as a natural climate solution rests with American families, who collectively own 36% of our nation’s forests — an area the size of Texas plus California combined.

To seize this opportunity, AFF has partnered with The Nature Conservancy to launch the Family Forest Carbon Program. Through the program, we provide technical and financial assistance to America’s family forest owners, enabling them to adopt more sustainable management practices that sequester and store additional carbon in their forests.

Your monthly contribution of $10 recurring over the course of a year supports the enrollment of 2 acres of forestland — almost two football fields — in the program, leading to healthier forests that are great for wildlife, support rural communities, and that sequester and store more carbon.

CLICK HERE for more information about AFF’s work to mitigate climate change through the Family Forest Carbon Program.